




Welcome to my solo dev project, a visual novel biography of Alexander Graham Bell! (Click the image above to play the demo in your browser.)  I've been wanting to do something like this for ages, so why not pay tribute to one of my favorite inventors!

This is currently in very early development, the included browser game is fairly non-divergent, but it's simply a test to see if it will work.

Thank You Mr. Bell is a visual novel project I have been developing for my website MrDavePizza as a browser playable game embedded on WordPress. I have a sincere effort in this project, having always been fascinated by the history of the telephone and how it is the quintessential origin of most post-industrial life, including the internet. I have researched timelines and watched documentaries, so trying to remain historically accurate, but ultimately this is entertainment.

If you like what you see here, be sure to check out my primary website:

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